Synod 2024 Recap

On November 20-22, 2024 we held our 17th annual synod. This year we were hosted by the good people of St. George’s Church in Burlington, Ontario. Below is a brief recap of our time together. If you had delegates from your church at synod this year, make sure you ask them about their experience, the diocese, and the decisions we made while together.

Clergy Day

On November 19th, the day before synod proper, we held our Clergy Day. This year our clergy prayed and worshiped together and heard from Canon David Roseberry on the subject of building a culture of generosity within our parishes. The day concluded with evening prayer and the renewal of their clergy vows.

Day 1

On Wednesday November 20th our lay delegates and other observers arrived. We had Morning Prayer and heard Bible teaching from Canon Simon Manchester (watch here). Our main theme this year was “Let the Children Come to Me” based on the words of Jesus from Mark 10:14. So, on Wednesday we heard from a variety of children’s and youth ministry leaders from across the diocese. Among these was Carolyn Vanderheide who Bishop Dan announced as the new leader of our Discipling Children and Youth priority. Carolyn presented on a new pilot program planned to assist our parishes in establishing and growing their ministries to children.

Later Canon David Roseberry presented again for all the delegates following on his teaching from Clergy Day. There were also presentations about two children’s curriculums developed within the diocese: the Kingdom Curriculum and the God’s Big Story Curriculum.

That evening we had our Opening Eucharist service (watch here), with music lead by the St. George’s team, prayers and liturgy lead by people from all across the country, and Bishop Dan Gifford gave his charge to the diocese.

Day 2

On Thursday November 21st we had Morning Prayer and Canon Simon Manchester continued with Bible teaching out of the book of Titus (watch here). The business meeting component of synod then began with establishing quorum and adopting our rules of order. We had well over 200 attendees with us, including 99 clergy and almost 90% of our eligible parishes represented. We heard from our treasurer on our auditor’s report and financial report, which was very encouraging as we saw giving and parish tithes increase and a surplus at year end. Bishop Dan then interviewed our Canon for Church Planting, George Sinclair on the future of church planting across the diocese. Our draft budget for 2024-2025 was then presented and the vote carried.

As synod proceeded we heard a variety of reports and testimonies including a report from Packer College with interviews of two new seminary students, the news of a new church (Benediction, Kitchener) joining us, and more.

After lunch the proposal to change our diocesan name to the “Anglican Diocese of Canada” was introduced and, after some discussion, voted for in favour by the vast majority of delegates. Our Canons Committee then presented on the various amendments required for our Articles and Canons in relation to that name change. These relations and motions were also easily passed. (More information about our name change and the process to make that update will be coming soon) The day concluded with other interviews including Bishop Charlie Masters who shared an update on his health.

Day 3

On the final day of Synod 2024, Friday, November 22nd we again gathered for Morning Prayer and Canon Simon’s Bible teaching on Titus (watch here). We held the election for Diocesan Council members. The three Lay nominees to council– Sarah Hunt, Ed Lewis and Andrea Soberg– were elected by acclamation. Then ballots were cast for the five nominees to the three clergy positions and Rev. Anson Ann, Rev. Creighton Friedrich, and Rev. Anna Spray were elected.

Archdeacon Darrell Critch, Bishop-elect in Mahajanga, and his family shared about their upcoming move and ministry in Madagascar and they were commissioned and blessed by our bishops. Two new archdeacons were presented by Bishop Dan. Angus Wu was named archdeacon for the Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada (AMMiC) and Brian Candow was named archdeacon for the Newfoundland and Atlantic region. We also heard about a new French language service being planned at Emmaus, Montreal and a new church plant being planned for Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Synod then concluded with a joyful midday prayer and homily from Bishop Mike Stewart.


As referenced you can watch the recordings of our Morning Prayer services, Bible teachings and Opening Eucharist on our YouTube channel. We also recorded other sessions and interviews and will be uploading some of them over the coming weeks.

Many Thanks

Thank you so much to all those who attended, those who presented and spoke, and all those volunteers at St. George’s who worked so hard to make this gathering possible. To God be the glory and may he continue to bless our diocese as we seek to build Biblically faithful, Gospel sharing, Anglican churches.